Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is new media?

To me, new media is a new generation of technologies that emerged quickly between the late 90s- present. The technologies that are part of new media are cellphones, Tivo, PDAs, computers and many more. These technologies help make it easier for people all over the world to communicate and also give us new forms of entertainment. They are replacing old media with new media at a fast rate. For example, instead of emailing or phone calls (old fashion), people now send texts through their phones. People just type the messages they need to be sent out on their phones, send it, and in little or no time, you will get a response. It's as if the person you are communicating with is right next to you. Also with the invention of Youtube or Hulu, watching TV has never been easier. Instead of watching a television show at a specific time, viewers can now watch it online anytime they want. According to the article "Who Needs a TV? I've Got a Laptop", 8 percent of viewers they tracked on ABC — or about one out of every 12 people — watch network shows solely online.
Internet plays a huge role when it comes to new media. One of the main purpose of new media is to communicate. With sites like Facebook and Blogger, it allows an individual to communicate with the whole world. Without internet, it's impossible to communicate with the same amount of people internet allows you to communicate with.

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